Legal Aid Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Self-service Means Evaluation

As a prospective legal aid applicant, you can use our Means Test Calculator to make a preliminary estimation of your financial eligibility for legal aid.

Terms of Use of Means Test Calculator

E-Booking for Obtaining a Legal Aid Pre-application Information Form (Civil Case) at Our Offices

As a prospective legal aid applicant, you can make an appointment online for obtaining a Pre-application Information Form.

Terms of Use of E-Booking for Obtaining a Legal Aid Pre-application Information Form (Civil Case) at Our Offices

E-Services for Prospective Legal Aid Applicants

As a legal aid applicant / aided person, you can check your application / case status and/or accept legal aid offer online by clicking on the link below:

You can also update your personal information relating to your residential, correspondence and e-mail addresses as well as contact telephone numbers.

Terms of Use of Checking of Application/Case Status
Terms of User of Update of Personal Information
NOTE: By clicking the “Continue” button below, you verify that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the Terms of Use.
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